May Folder: Bloom where you are planted!
1 May Cover Letter
2. Prayer Service: A Garden of Gifts (MAY you be blessed...)
(video is in the side bar...May you be blessed)
3. May Crier
4. Flier for The Catechist: Call, Mission & Formation (Level 1)
5. Flyer for The Word: Foundation for Catechesis (Level 1)
6. Flyer Mobilizing Volunteers (May 17)
***The link does not work from the flier, there is a typo. Please register using the following link:
7. Building Bridges: SAVE THE DATE!!!
8. Eastern Region Celebrates at Pathways to Ministry!
9. Leadership Evaluation (How am I doing as Regional Director?)
10. Summer Hours
11 VIRTUS- Awareness Form for Parish Catechetical Programs-(must be completed annually)
12. Dandelions (Lyrics to song below)