Think of the spark within you and how it becomes the fire of faith in the Church Community.
January's Meeting
Sparking the Flame: Communitas and Community
This month's agenda focused on the importance of sharing new ideas in the community to spark a new energy within our own parish communities. Being that this month also celebrates vocations, we look to the gifts of those within our Church community to be those who spark new energy and/or sustain the flame.
Please take time to reflect on this month's prayer service which includes paraphrased portions from Fr. Anthony Gittin's book titled, "A Presence that Disturbs: A Call to Radical Discipleship".
The "Year of Faith" requires us to take a deeper look at how we are "sparking" the faith in others, and creating communities that meet the spiritual needs of the faithful. This book is an excellent read and challenges us to look at ways to stir up the dying fires that sometimes occur in our parishes so that we can build up new ideas, new excitement, and new communitas.
Below you will find all the hand-outs from this month's meeting and a short video to summarize what was shared by those who attended the meeting.
Please note next month's meeting date is changed from Friday, February 15 to TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 . We will celebrate with a Mardi Gras breakfast and lead into a Lenten Reflection.
"Delightful Disciple" with Theresa May
"Vatican II ~ The Flow From Scripture" with Paul Hanley
Western Region Workshop Day on January 17
"Learn the Bible this New Year" with Fr. Kevin Bunger "Catechetical Leader's Retreat", with Meg Castillini
"Lord of the Rings:The Hidden Catholic Meanings" at Holy Trinity
Winter Hours for the Resource Center (important!)
FaithQuest, screenshot handout...pass on to your catechists!
Catechetical Leaders' Directory ~ Finally done and updated! Please check your info!
*St. Joseph's in Lee Center is hosting Adult "Let it Snow" nights every Tuesday night to help make the winter months go by without getting cabin fever! They are sending me information, but if you would like to know more before it comes to me, please call St. Joe's at 336-2661. Click here for a listing of the "Let it Snow"series of events.
The new VIRTUS handbooks were distributed at our meeting. Every parish is to get two copies, one for the CL and one for the pastor. If you did not attend the meeting, could you please stop in and pick yours up or have someone from your parish do so.
*St. Paul's in Rome is hosting Sr. Katie Eiffe on March 12 at 7pm to do another segment on Vatican II. Call St. Paul's rectory for more info at 336-3082.*St. Joseph's in Lee Center is hosting Adult "Let it Snow" nights every Tuesday night to help make the winter months go by without getting cabin fever! They are sending me information, but if you would like to know more before it comes to me, please call St. Joe's at 336-2661. Click here for a listing of the "Let it Snow"series of events.