Our opening prayer service uses the song from Karen Drucker, "Let Go of the Shore". Read through the meditative prayer and reflect on what fills your masts, what gives you direction, what trends pull you into unwanted currents, what heavy loads are weighing you down, what ties you to the dock that won't let you set sail?
I pray that every one sets sails on a wonderful adventure...ENJOY THE JOURNEY!!!!
Below you will find all the documents
that were in the September folders!
1. Opening Prayer: Let Go of the Shore
2. The Crier
3. Catechetical Leaders' Meeting (revised evening times)
4. Parish Directory Update Form (Please return by September 15th)
5. Statistical Report Form (Please return by November 1)
6. Online Level One Course Schedule
7. Flyer - Level One Course: The Catechist at Annunciation
8. Flyer - Level Two Course/ Adult Formation: Jesus the Way at Annunciation
9. Flyer - Level Two Course/Adult Formation: Understanding the Words of the Mass at Annunciation
10. Formation for Ministry 2011-12 Course Schedule
11. Flyer - Formation for Ministry Course/Level 2/Adult Formation : Vatican II at Mt. Carmel
12. Flyer - Formation for Ministry Course/Level 2/Adult Formation: Introduction to Scripture at Mt. Carmel
13. 40 Ways to Foster Prayer in your Home
14. A Dozen Things Parents Can Do
15. Mid-Atlantic Congress for Pastoral Leadership (ROADTRIP!!!!)
website: http://www.midatlanticcongress.org/
Keynote: Fr. James Martin!
And finally....
Keynote presenters:
Friday: Sr. Pat McCormack
Saturday: John Roberto
This is the actual website where all the information is located, directions on how to register, pdf files of Friday and Saturday schedules, course descriptions, payment form, and online registration. We are HIGHLY encouraging everyone to use the online registration this year as it will create for us an online database from which we can create folders, limit class sizes, create name badges, and more. Also, each workshop is set with maximum limits of tickets. Once a class is closed, it is scratched from the list, so remember FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! Also, we have joked on staff that the event will be BYOC....Bring Your Own Cushion. We are not at the on-center, we are at Bishop Grimes Prep, which is great for us, but the chairs will not be as nice as the on-center. However, we will make up for it because we have lunch provided by Brooklyn Pickle! YUM!!!!!
If anyone is interested to just being a part of the round table discussions on Friday's session, you may do so for FREE! See Friday's schedule. Friday is concentrated on educational topics and some catechetical. Many of the educational workshops, however, pertain also to volunteer teachers for faith formation programs, such as 3 M's of the Brain, or Working with Autism. Friday and Saturday are open to EVERYONE!!!